"To me, the extraordinary aspect of martial arts lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way, and martial arts is nothing at all special; the closer to the true way of martial arts, the less wastage of expression there is."
– Bruce Lee
Victor William Chen
Stunt Actor
Victor William Chen
Victor William Chen, a multifaceted martial artist and coach, has immersed himself in various martial arts forms, including Okinawan Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai. Renowned for his coaching skills and his love for coaching surpassed any desire for competition and expertise as a training partner led him to work with numerous competitors who went on to become world champions in organizations like Strikeforce and the UFC.
His dedication led him to China, where he continued training and developed a deep appreciation for film as an educational medium. Influenced by this, Victor adeptly transitioned into fight choreography, aiming to authentically represent martial arts in cinema while understanding the responsibility of portraying violence on screen. He gained recognition in the film industry, attending significant events like Jackie Chan's 60th birthday and contributing to Chan's training center. Managed by Sabrina Chen-Louie and Diana Weng, Victor also leads VWC Muay Thai & Fitness, bringing martial arts education to a broader audience.