Prepping to Approach Stunt Coordinators for Stunt Performers

Are You Ready to Hit the Ground Running?

As a stunt performer, you know that staying prepared and continuously marketing yourself is crucial to securing new opportunities. Whether you're looking to expand your network or land your next big project, being ready to approach stunt coordinators is essential. Here are some advanced tips to ensure you're always prepped and ready.

Update Your Resume, IMDb, and Demo Reel


Your resume should reflect your latest and most impressive work. Ensure it includes:

  • Personal Information: Name, contact details, height, weight, and any relevant stats.
  • Experience: Keep your list of stunt work current, including the project name, role, and coordinator.
  • Skills: Continuously update with any new skills.
  • Training and Certifications: Add any new training, workshops, or certifications.

IMDb Profile

Your IMDb profile is often the first place coordinators will look. Ensure it’s:

  • Complete: Regularly update all your credits to reflect your latest projects.
  • Professional: Maintain a high-quality headshot and relevant work photos.
  • Linked: Strengthen your views by linking your profile to your website, IG and other social media platforms

Demo Reel

Your demo reel should always showcase your best and most recent work:

  • Highlight Your Best Work: Keep it fresh by adding recent projects.
  • Keep It Short: Aim for 2-3 minutes of high-impact footage.
  • Quality Matters: Use high-quality footage and professional editing to make a strong impression.
  • Variety: Be sure to add a variation of stunts so coordinators can see how well rounded you are.

How to Track Who You’ve Sent To

With an extensive network, managing your contacts and tracking your outreach efforts is crucial... and we’ve got you covered!

Downloadable Excel Template

To help you stay organized, we’ve included a downloadable Excel template. This template will allow you to track who you are reaching out to, how you are reaching out to them, and time your responses appropriately. Download the Excel Template Here.

When to Follow Up

Following up is crucial for maintaining relationships and securing opportunities. Here’s a guideline:

  • Initial Follow-Up: If you haven’t heard back within a week, send a polite follow-up email.
  • Subsequent Follow-Ups: Space these out by about two weeks. If there’s still no response after three follow-ups, it might be best to move on.

How to Send to Stunt Coordinators: Text vs. Email vs. Call

Knowing how to contact a stunt coordinator will largely depend on your relationship with them. Here’s a breakdown of the best methods:


Texting can be useful for quick updates or confirmations, especially with coordinators you have an established relationship with. However, If you don't know the coordinator well, it's best to avoid texting for initial contact, as it can come across as too informal.


Email remains the most professional and preferred method for initial contact. It allows you to provide detailed information and attachments like your resume and demo reel. Starting with an email is advisable, especially if you haven't worked with the coordinator before.


Calling can be very effective, particularly for follow-ups or when you’ve been invited to call. Ensure you’re prepared with what to say and don’t call too frequently. A phone call can be more personal and impactful but should be used judiciously to avoid being intrusive.

When to Send Updated Material

Keeping your materials current is key to demonstrating your ongoing activity and relevance:

  • Regular Updates: Every six months, review and update your resume, IMDb profile, and demo reel.
  • Major Projects: Anytime you complete a significant project or gain a new skill, update your materials and share the new information with relevant contacts.

Being Ready When the Coordinator Responds

When a stunt coordinator responds, you need to be ready to act quickly. The film industry is fast-paced, and job opportunities can come and go within minutes. Ensure you have a folder on your phone containing essential materials such as headshots, selfies, your resume, and links to your demo reel and IMDb profile. Having these items readily accessible means you can provide any additional information or materials they may request immediately, demonstrating your preparedness and professionalism. Being ready at a moment's notice can make all the difference in securing the job.


Being prepared is the key to maintaining and advancing your career as a seasoned stunt performer. By keeping your resume, IMDb profile, and demo reel updated, tracking your outreach efforts, knowing when to follow up, choosing the right method of contact, and crafting professional emails, you’ll be well-positioned to secure ongoing and new stunt work. Stay organized, persistent, and professional, and opportunities will continue to come your way.

Downloadable Excel Template

Download the Excel Template Here.

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