"Jujitsu: the art of self-protection - Judo: the art of self-perfection."
Kathy Hubble
Multiple time Judo and BJJ World Champion
Kathy Hubble
Kathy is a Black Belt in Judo and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, winning multipleNational and World Championship titles in both arts. She has also been a StuntPerformer in the film industry for over 40 years and a Stunt Coordinator forthe past 3 years in her hometown of Kelowna, B.C. Canada. Kathy first got intothe industry in her young teens because of her Judo background, with a role ina movie called “The Stepfather” where we she was beaten up by the lead actress,therefore beginning her love for stunts. She went on to do many stunt rolesafter that, such as riding a motocross bike over 25 cars in the Jackie Chan feature,“Rumble in the Bronx”. Kathy has doubledactors such as Hilary Duff, Lucy Davis, Allison Mack, Brianna Hildebrandt,Roseanne Barr, Rachel Harris, and Rebel Wilson, just to name a few. Kathy has abackground in sprint-car racing as well, winning 2 season championships inWashington State, and racing both motorcycles and cars across Western NorthAmerica. Today, Kathy devotes her time to her Judo club that she owns and operates,and stunt coordinates the action sequences for various shows being filmed in thebeautiful Okanagan of British Columbia.